Dermot Murnaghan interviews Naftali Bennett on Sky News, “Are you kidding me?”

Interviewer Approach

Dermot approaches Bennett in a very direct and serious tone. Dermot often interrupts Bennett in order to ask a new question. It is almost an argument throughout the duration of the interview, as Dermot tries to put a different side to Bennett’s claims. The interview is very tense as Bennett tries to explain Israel’s actions while Dermot tries to understand why Bennett is standing there in shirt sleeves and people in Gaza are in flak jackets and helmets.

Question Types

Dermot Murnaghan approaches Bennett in a very confrontational way, using a direct and serious tone. “And if anything visual proves the disproportionate nature of what’s going on here, there are you standing there in your shirt sleeves there, dressed for whatever the weather is. Our correspondents, all the media that are reporting from Gaza, they’re in flak jackets, they’re in helmets. That’s how dangerous it is there.”. This shows Dermot is trying to accuse Bennett’s country Israel of attacking Gaza with no real motive and lying about Gaza’s combative response to Israel’s missiles.

“Everyone understands the rights of nations to protect their integrity and to protect their citizens, but by any stretch of the imagination, is Israel’s response not disproportionate here?” is the first question Dermot asks Bennett, who responds by saying “Are you kidding me?”.

Interview Style

This interview is a very combative type of interview. Dermot tries to put one side of the story forward for Gaza, whilst Bennett defends Israel’s actions towards Gaza. Bennett’s response of “Are you kidding me?” when Dermot claimed Israel’s response was “disproportionate” proves that the interview, which only lasts just below five minutes, is very combative from the start.


Dermot didn’t ask lighter questions are the beginning of the interview in order to build trust between himself and Bennett, instead Dermot accused Israel of acting disproportionately. This obviously offends Bennett, who is the Minister of Economy for Israel.

The interview consists of Bennett trying to defend Israel’s actions, but Dermot tries to put Gaza’s side of the story forward as well, which makes Bennett very agitated. The interview ends with Dermot saying “Ok, Minister thank you very much indeed”.

Purpose of the interview

The purpose of this interview was to try and understand Israel’s response to attacks from Gaza, whilst Dermot tries to even the playing field by putting forward Gaza’s side of the story.

Type of media and the target audience

The interview was televised and broadcast live on Sky News. The target audience would be the viewers of Sky News, or anyone who has an interest in the conflict which is ongoing between Israel and Gaza.