Interviewer Approach

Alex Haley approaches Malcolm X with a lot of direct questions, and a lot of the time Alex uses quotes to back up his questions in order to make them sound a little more sincere. Alex tries to understand the way Malcolm X thinks, and also tries to understand his thoughts and views on what were very controversial topics.

Question Types

Haley asks Malcolm X very sensitive questions, with the use of quotations in order to make his question more direct towards Malcolm X. “To return to your statement about the plane crash, when Dr. Ralph Bunche heard about it, he called you ‘mentally depraved’. What is your reaction?”. This shows Haley uses quotes in order to almost back up his question, and try to gain a direct answer from Malcolm X.

Alex Haley asks Malcolm X questions about very sensitive topics, and Malcolm X always gives his controversial view in the answer. “You say that white men are devils by nature. Was Christ a devil?”. “Then you consider it impossible for the white man to be anything but an exploiter and a hypocrite in his relations with the Negro?”.

Alex Haley asks Malcolm X very short and simple, yet sensitive, questions, to which Malcolm X responds with a big answer giving his thoughts and beliefs. “Wasn’t the Civil War fought to decide whether this nation could, in the words of Lincoln, ‘endure permanently half slave and half free’?”. 

Interview Style

The interview is very investigative because Alex Haley is trying to find out what thoughts and beliefs Malcolm X has on very sensitive and controversial topics. “Do you admire and respect any other American Negro leaders – Martin Luther King, for example?”. This is Alex Haley trying to find out if Malcolm X agree’s with any of the other African-Amercians fighting for equality.


Alex Haley begins the interview with asking a very simple, yet direct question, “What is the ambition of the Black Muslims?”. This question sets the tone for the duration of the interview. Alex Haley puts forward questions about the thoughts, views and beliefs that Malcolm X has.

The interview ends with Alex Haley asking Malcolm X a conclusion question, trying to find out what he thinks can be done to achieve equality for African-Americans. “Is there anything then, in your opinion, that could be done – by either whites or blacks – to expedite the social and economic progress of the Negro in America?”.

Purpose of the interview

The purpose of the interview is to find out Malcolm X’s views and beliefs about the current state of equality for African-American’s living in America. The interview was very controversial, but Malcolm X was a simple of hope for many African-Americans living in America who were fighting for equality.

Type of media and the target audience

The interview was print, and published in the PLAYBOY magazine in May 1963. The target audience would be the readers of the PLAYBOY magazine, and also anyone who had an interest in the quality for African-Amercians. Followers of Malcolm X would also be interested in reading the interview.

Read the interview here:

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